

I.            NAME:                                              The name of the Organisation shall be PONYARA PRE-SCHOOL KINDERGARTEN ASSOSCIATION LIMITED

II.          OBJECTS:                                        The object of the Charity shall be to conduct a Pre-school Kindergarten.

III.         MEMBERSHIP:                               All residents of the locality, who are interested in the furtherance of the purposes of the Charity, shall be eligible for membership. The authority to enrol new members shall be vested in the Management Committee. After payment of the prescribed fee, new members will be entitled to full membership rights.

IV.         MANAGEMENT:                            The Management of the Charity shall be vested in an elected Management Committee. The Management Committee shall also henceforth be known as the “Committee”.

V.          MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE: The Management Committee shall consist of:

i.            The Office Bearers President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and Social Secretary

Each of whom will be elected at the Annual General Meeting. Any management committee position becoming vacant may be filled by another committee member until the next Annual General Meeting.


i.            The committee may delegate to one or more subcommittees (consisting of such member or members of the association as the committee thinks fit) a task of the committee other than –

a)      This power of delegation, and

b)      A function which is a duty imposed on the committee by the Act or by any other law.

ii.            This task must be specified in writing in the minutes. The length of time and circumstances of this task must be included.

iii.            The committee may, by instrument in writing, revoke wholly or in part any delegation under this rule.

iv.            A sub-committee may meet and adjourn, as it thinks proper.

VII.        FUNDRAISING :   The Management Committee voted on 2nd November 2017 to charge each family a Fundraising Levy of $25 a term. This will replace holding fundraising events throughout the year, except for a Bunnings Community Sausage Sizzle. If a Bunnings Community Sausage Sizzle is held families will have the option to add their name to the roster instead of being charged the Fundraising Levy for that term.

VIII.      FINANCIAL YEAR:                       The Financial Year shall conclude on the 31st January.


i.            The Management Committee must meet at least four (4) times in each period of twelve (12) months.

ii.            At a Meeting of the Management Committee, the President or in the Presidents’ absence, the Vice President will preside. If both are absent or unwilling to act, then the Meeting will be adjourned for exactly seven (7) days later, at the same location, and at the same time.

iii.            Each member present at a committee meeting is entitled to one vote. In the event of a tied vote on any question, the person presiding may exercise a second or casting vote.

X.          ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING: The Annual General Meeting of Members shall be held during March and fourteen (14) clear days notice of a date must be given to all Members. At this Meeting, the Annual Reports and Audit must be presented. Election of all Management Committee Positions must also take place at this meeting. A Returning Officer must be elected to chair the Meeting during the elections. The President, or in the Presidents’ absence the Vice President is to preside as Chairperson at each General Meeting.

XI.        GENERAL MEETING:                  At the extraordinary meeting on Thursday 20th November 2008, the Management Committee and the Members voted in favour to dissolve all future General Meetings. Therefore, from Thursday 20th November 2008 the Organisation shall no longer hold a General Meeting. Any future changes to the Constitution shall be considered at the Annual General Meeting and be forwarded to all Members at least fourteen (14) days prior to the Meeting.

XII.       QUORUM:                                        At the Annual General Meeting a Quorum shall be at least four (4) Management Committee Members plus at least six (6) Financial Members. At a Management Committee Meeting a Quorum shall be at least four (4) Committee Members.

XIII.         FUNDS:                                            The funds of the Organisation shall be banked in the name of the Charity with any two of the President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary authorised to operate thereon.

XIV.         ACCOUNTS:                                    The Accounts are to be paid as required by members of the committee of the association, being members or authorised to do so by the Committee. The Accounts shall then be presented at the next Committee Meeting for review and ratification.

XV.         AUDITS:                                           The Auditor or Auditors shall examine all accounts, vouchers, receipts, books, etc and furnish a report thereon at the Annual General Meeting. Audits shall be conducted at regular twelve (12) monthly intervals.

XVI.     DISSOLUTION:                               The Charity shall be dissolved in the event of the membership being less than three (3) persons or upon the vote of three-fourths majority of the Members present at the Annual General Meeting.

Upon dissolution, assets and funds on hand may, after payment of all expenses and liabilities, be handed over to such registered or exempted charity or charities as a majority of the Members at present at the Annual General Meeting may decide.


i.            Ponyara Pre-school is a non profit Organisation run entirely by the Parents/Guardians of the children attending. Success or failure depends entirely upon the cooperation of all Parents/Guardians

ii.         Every family is asked to help with working bees in maintaining the Pre-school.

iii.         The Pre-school Director MUST be notified if a child is unable to attend the Pre-school for longer than a week due to illness or holidays. If away for a week without notification it is automatically accepted the child will not be returning

iv.            Two weeks noticed is to be given if your child is leaving and two (2) weeks fees paid to enable the vacancy to be filled.

v.            Fees are to be paid at least (2) weeks in advance, unless the Pre-school Director is notified of the child as being absent

vi.            Attendance is COMPULSORY at all Pre-school meetings – remember Parents/Guardians it is your Pre-school to benefit your child. (Written apologies should be given if unable to attend meetings).

xviii.      AMENDMENT OF RULES:          The constitution shall be reviewed by the Management Committee every two (2) years. It may however, be amended at any Annual General Meeting so long as written notice of any Amendments to be considered are forwarded to all Members at least fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting.

The Constitution was reviewed and/or revised on 2nd July 2018.

NOTE ;  BUILDING FUND:                          In June 2014 The Management Committee of Ponyara Preschool Kindergarten Association Limited (Ponyara Preschool) applied for endorsement as a deductible gift recipient under Subdivision 30-BA of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (Cth) (or as amended from time to time or under any legislative provision enacted in substitution for those provisions) to establish, maintain and operate a school building fund. As per the Building Fund Rules the Ponyara Pre-School Building Fund will be controlled and administered by the Building Fund Sub-Committee. The Sub-Committee will be elected for a three (3) year term at the Annual General Meeting of the members of the Ponyara Pre-School Kindergarten Association Limited or at such other extraordinary meeting called for this purpose. The ATO will be notified of any changes to the Building Fund’s constitution or other funding documents.

Revised 30th May 2023

Ponyara Pre-School 7 Violet Street, Roselands, NSW 2196
Telephone: 02 9759 6115 Email:
ACNC Registered Charity Tick

© Copyright Ponyrara Pre-School Kindergarten Association Limited 2025. All rights reserved