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Visiting Leigh Place Aged Care

In 2025 we started a new program which was initiated by a past student of Ponyara Preschool Christopher Harsas who is the Lifestyle Coordinator at Leigh Place Aged Care. The children and educators will visit Leigh Place Aged Care twice a term and take part in a variety of activities including art and craft activities, games and exercises with the residents of Leigh Place.

Why children and the elderly benefit from time spent together

Children and the elderly don’t seem like they would have much in common, but while they may seem like mismatched companions, time spent between children and the elderly shouldn’t be underestimated. According to recent research, a companionship between children and the elderly is mutually beneficial.

An Australian study showed that shared play between older individuals and in childcare settings can have results that are so impressive, there is even talk of intergenerational shared care programs!

Children and the elderly: the benefits

Let’s consider the many benefits of this intergenerational companionship to the older people in aged care facilities:

Benefits for older individuals

  • Enhanced mood
  • An opportunity to learn something new
  • Improve physical capability and movement
  • More enjoyment of life
  • Dementia symptoms lessened

Benefits for children

  • A patient listening ear
  • A lifetime of stories to hear
  • Gives children an insight into life’s ageing process
  • An opportunity to learn something new
  • Supporting bonds between children and the elderly

Facilitate the connections between young and old and you will see the difference in those in your care.

Ponyara Pre-School 7 Violet Street, Roselands, NSW 2196
Telephone: 02 9759 6115 Email:
ACNC Registered Charity Tick

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